Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playing the Past

Many actors have portrayed the famous figures of the past, regardless of physical resemblance; such as Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry VIII in The Tudors (which I enjoy despite its many inaccuracies)

They caught Henry's look at the end though...sort of =P

However these are some stars I thought looked similar to the person they were portraying, or at the very least were channelling their character's past:
Yellow dress, royal sash, dark hair...Catherine Zeta-Jones made a lovely young Catherine the Great.
Beautiful French actress Vanessa Wagner as beautiful Empress Elisabeth 'Sissi' of Austria
Jane Seymour as everyone's favorite doomed queen: Marie Antoinette
Glenda Jackson as Queen Elizabeth I, everything set to mirror the Armada Portrait

What do you think? Do you have any favorites portrayals?

1 comment:

  1. One portrayal I particularly like was Yuliya Novikova as the Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova in Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya semya. It was absolutely uncanny their resemblance to each other. I was unable to find any decent pics however, :(
    As a matter of fact, all the actors and actresses resembled their real life counter parts in many ways. It's the best movie ever made about the last Romanov family.
